This year's award for the Most Unexpected Collaboration Partner goes to the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum! 🎉

Back in May, museum buyer Carrie Santell saw my 'Break the Glass Ceiling' earrings at the Museum Store Association conference.
The shattered glass appearance gave her an idea for a custom product.

She asked if I could mimic the bullet-ridden window panes of the historic Hanger 79.

I was excited by the challenge of replicating the splintering shapes and the unique teal-colored windowpanes.
Here's the result!

I created the earrings in 3 sizes, including a teeny tiny one.

These earrings align with the museum's 'In the Line of Fire' concept and commemorate the sacrifices made on Dec 7th, 1941.
Creating a product with special meaning and historical significance elevated the entire experience.
And I think museum visitors will be surprised to see such an unexpected product!