Wholesale Ordering Instructions – 3 Easy Steps
STEP 1: Checkout
Shop like normal, then go to checkout.
STEP 2: Cart Info
Fill out all cart info. Remember, this is the address your order will be sent to.
Make sure to click 'Continue to shipping' or your info will not be saved.
STEP 3: Email us
That's it! Your information is now saved in our system.
> Please send us an email indicating your order is complete. (kathleen@boldstandard.com)
Also let us know...
> SHIPPING: Does your shipment need to be expedited?
> PAYMENT: What payment you would like to use? Most of our retail partners pay by check, but let us know what's convenient for you.
From there, you will be emailed an invoice with your wholesaler discount. Shipping charges apply, but we do not charge a handling fee.
Thanks for your order!
This ordering method provides a convenient way to shop while avoiding transaction fees. Thanks for making it work!
You will be notified when your order ships. We appreciate your business.